Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Grandpa's Pumpkin

Grandpa Tim AKA "The Claw" made the boys a pumpkin. The pumpkin has a small pumpkin in it's mouth as if it is eating it. So as you can see in the photo Braxton is devastated! He is worried sick about the baby pumpkin!
I lit a candle in the pumpkin and the boys went nuts! They loved it!

Thanks Grandpa Claw!


A milestone passed today... Dave and I decided the boys will be two in a couple of days and the time has come... we took down the gates! The boys now have free rain of the house and we are wondering if this will be forever or for a day. Keep posted for the news. Wish us luck!
And boys.... you stay out of the cupboards, toilet, my makeup,the office,off the glass kitchen table,and inside the house then the gates stay down! ohhh dear!

Braxton and Beau... Goodbye gates!

Eagle Eye

Today Dave had the eagle eye as he spotted this beauty out side the patio door.
This bird is amazing and I guess I am in for some competition with great photos now... I leave my camera laying around and he takes over my job! Not too shabby Mr. Achtenberg!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fun Fall weekend

This weekend we had all four kids home again and that is always fun. Ashlee and Vince took the boys outside and made them a leaf pile to play in and as you can see it was fun for them.
On Saturday morning we woke up to a little bit of snow and the boys had fun figuring that out and of course tasting it.. yuck!
Other then the Vikings game it was a great weekend and we are looking forward to next weekend when the boys turn 2!

Cute as Buttons

Sunday, October 18, 2009

KSTP "photo of the year! " HAHA!

So on Saturday night there was an amazing sunset. Dave called me outside to look at it and if you know me I ran right for my camera~! I sent the photo into KSTP just for fun and what do ya know... here is the email I received and my 5 seconds of photo journalism glory!

That is such a stunning photo!

I'll show it on the air tonight after the NASCAR race is over....I'm told our newscast is supposed to go on late - probably around 10:30 or so.

Thanks again!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

All I want for Christmas...

I got this email from Shelby today with the photos.. so cute!

"Well the boys sat at the table for like 15 minutes just looking through a toy magazine and a people magazine...... looks like they picked out what they want for christmas..... Beaus list includes an i phone, more cars lol, and a train set! Braxton on the other hand picked out a nice white honda civic, but he kept pointing and saying mamma so I think he meant he wanted a car just like mamma ;), he found play bugs in the magazine and a barn house thing! Too cute!"

Monday, October 12, 2009

Merry Christmas?

So here is what we got to wake up to thins morning.
I think it is time to start out letters to Santa!

Ashlee...check this out!

Ash.. Beau has a new favorite toy hahahahahahaha!
Do you love it or what! So funny!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Back to Barnes and Noble

Yesterday I took the boys back to Barnes and Noble and they had a great time. They both still love books so much! We read some books in the store then bought a few to bring home. Right now they are into bugs and train books. In the car on the way home they read too. Kinda cute because they read out loud.. jibber jabber but they think they are really reading!
When they woke up this morning they ran right to the new books so we could read them again and again and again...

Bundled up

Why do I just love the look of these two little guys all bundled up? I attempted mittens today, Braxton kept his on and as predicted Beau hated everything about them. We came in the house to warm up with chicken noodle soup for lunch and...they hated it!

This first photo I love.. the boys are so lucky to have each other aren't they?!