Monday, September 29, 2008

The Fud Boys!!

Braxton and Beau went out for a walk in YES... their new hats!
ya gatta admit they are cute in their little "Elmer Fuds"!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Giggle Fest

Braxton and Beau are really getting into entertaining each other.

Playing in a pile of leaves

Here are the boys in the pile of leaves... we wanted to take them out again today but the ground was all wet... maybe tomorrow.

Fun in the leaves...

The boys had a ball in the leaves on Saturday afternoon. Dave thought it was weird when he saw me pick up a rake.. I assured him I was only making a pile for the boys to play in and I was not raking the yard!

Well.. here is some photos of the fun!

We love fall so much and look forward to the apple orchard too.

Braxton and his funny faces!

Beau and his love for eating leaves...
So happy together...



and can you tell they are getting better about keeping hats on... yeah!

New wheels...

The boys are enjoying their "new wheels" AKA stroller. We had to get a side by side as the front and back was way too much hair pulling and the back seat had a obstructed view we felt... ha ha!

This puppy is much easier to push and my only fear is WILL I FIT IN ALL THE STORES AT THE MALL??!!! I will never understand why children's clothing stores have the racks crammed together and you can hardly get around the store with a stroller, then you add the double stroller into the mess and you really are in trouble. Often I end up leaving and not buying anything cuz I am so irritated that I can't get around the store. ok... Dave will argue that theory as he gets the receipts but really my receipts would be double if I could get around in the stores... so the double wide stroller thing really may cut the old shopping down. DARN!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Cool dude Braxton and Vince...

Braxton was look'en pretty darn hot in the gold shades. Every morning before Vince heads out the door for school Braxton likes to sit on his big brothers lap and cuddle and as I make my coffee I am loving every minute of it!

Ashlee and the boys

Here is Ashlee and her little buddies...

We love our sister sooooooooooo much!

The blocks went in...

Today the boys got the block foundation in at the new center. This gave me a pretty good idea of how incredibly big this building is going to be yikes!!**##!

Well I guess I really need to shop like crazy to fill that puppy up with new toys and furniture! I love it!

I got to take my first steps into the building today...

I even closed my eyes and imagined myself sitting at my new desk gazing out the window at pond across the street watching he ducks and drinking my hot cup of coffee with extra cream and sugar from Dunn Brothers... ohhh I just can't wait.. I kinda feel like a kid again!

Take us outside!

Braxton and Beau love outside time!

I take them out in the yard and they are in heaven! They look up and see the birds, they watch the leaves fall from the trees and they are just so happy... ya know we get so busy with life we too should sit back and just be happy with the small things in life too...right?!!
And good old Monty loves when the boys are outside with him too!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Geek Squad here we come!

The boys got a new computer over the weekend and they really love it. Funny we can have 100 toys out for them to choose from but seems like they always just want the one same toy.

Whatever Martha!

So you know I love the blog attached to my site, the Alexis Stewart blog(that's Martha's daughter)... anyway that girl can cook and she always has pics up of the fabulous things she makes so... I thought I would try that myself and put up one kick Ass BLT! We need to prove to the world we do not eat out all the time and this is proof we can cook a mean meal if need be! Kiss that Martha... !

Sissy comes home!!

Ashlee came home last weekend... and yep it was three weeks she was away just like the poll said it would be. However we are lucky and she is coming home again this weekend so it won't be so lonely around here for as long this time. The boys had a ball with her and for some reason love to get crazy when she is around. Beau really gets excited and goes nuts for his big sissy!

Ashlee's friend Ben K. was over on Sunday and Beau was really digg'in him! Ben you can come over anytime and hang out with the boys!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Tara put me night night...

Tara was in town on Wednesday(ok the truth is I begged her to come work with me for the day) anyway, after work she came over for a visit. She was over at bedtime and Braxton was not going to bed well at all so after I tried to get him down Tara tried and sure enough she got him sound asleep. Thanks Tara ... we love you XXOO, love your Braxton and Beau~Beau

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Kermit the frog or should I say "Braxton the frog"

Patti our neighbor gave the boys this adorable frog robe and blanket... here is Braxton after his bubble bath as cute as ever.
Thanks Patti... and eat your heart out Kermit!

Monday, September 15, 2008

A blast from the past...

So as the boys are going to be 11 months old in a few weeks can you even believe we are now talking about the big 1st birthday party!

Kinda weird and kinda exciting!

I thought it would be fun to post some newborn photos to see the boys just 11 months ago... hummm ....wonder what 11 months from now they will look like? They change so fast don't they?

Love this one... they were sound asleep all warm and toasty by the fire!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Vince and Coulton

So Vince and his crazy buddy Coulton are bow hunting... when they got in from the woods I asked them to smile and this is what I got... nice boys, ohhh you guys are still cute.

Beau and his books...

Beau loves books so much... he is starting to read out loud to himself... lots of jibber jabber but he sure is cute. When it is time to go to bed and put the books away he has mastered the "cropie flop" So of course I cave in and read another book and another and another.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Halloween costumes... ohhh the choices, YOU DECIDE

As Halloween is right around the corner I thought I would let you guys decide what the boys will be. Here are the choices then you need to scroll down to the bottom and cast your vote!
C'mon people it is Election year after all!

Here are Braxton's Choices...

And Now Beau's Choices...